5 Reasons You Should Be Taking Collagen Every Day

September 1, 2019

Fountain of Youth: 5 Benefits of Collagen


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When you’re 37 and you get mistaken for being in your twenties, it feels kind of like winning the lottery. Sure, maybe it’s genetics, consistently good skincare, or the fact that when you’re a hermit, it’s kind of hard to leave the house to get any sunshine.

Whatever the reason may be, I can’t help but think that, at least in my case, it’s got something to do with the amount of collagen I consume on a daily basis. So today, I’m going to share with you the top 5 benefits of collagen and why I think you should make it part of your everyday routine.

5 Benefits Of Collagen

I didn’t get into the habit of drinking collagen for the effects it would have on my skin. It was more out of necessity for my joints when I first started having RA symptoms so bad that I couldn’t open a car door on my own. That being said, after taking a scoop of collagen in my coffee every morning for a few weeks, I started to notice a difference in my skin as well as my joints!

Collagen Reduces Wrinkles

So, yes, let’s start with the most exciting news, shall we? Collagen reduces wrinkles (and maybe even stretch marks and cellulite.) We’ve heard it before, our stores of collagen start to decrease dramatically beginning in our twenties.

And those fancy skincare products that contain collagen? Guess what. You can’t absorb them through your skin, so you’ve got to take collagen internally. That’s the only effective way to rebuild your own collagen stores and prevent the breakdown of the connective tissue that helps to prevent sagging skin.

Helps Heal Leaky Gut

As I mentioned, my daily collagen habit began after I started experiencing severe auto-immune issues. My naturopath recommended that I start taking collagen as the first line of defense in healing my leaky gut. We can only assume that, after years of taking antibiotics and eating highly inflammatory foods, my gut was on strike, and no longer able to filter all of the toxins that it was bombarded with on a regular basis.

Since leaky gut is a condition that is known to be a contributing factor (or even the cause of) many auto-immune issues, healing the intestinal liming is often one of the most effective ways to begin healing the whole body. Collagen just so happens to be one of the easiest ways to get that healing process started!

Strengthening Bones And Cartilage

Another benefit of collagen is that it helps to strengthen bones and cartilage. If your joints are achy, it’s probably due to a breakdown in the cartilage that holds your bones together. Both bones and cartilage are made up of somewhere between 30-60% collagen. Keeping them strong is one of the best defenses against the chronic joint pain that often comes with aging.

Hair, Skin, And Nails

Have you ever taken a pre-natal vitamin and noticed within a few days that your nails and hair are suddenly growing at a rapid pace? Collagen is kind of like a pre-natal vitamin on steroids because it’s so full of the amino acids that most of us are completely missing in our daily lives. If you’re trying to improve your skin, your hair, or your nails, taking collagen internally is one of the very first places to start. You will be amazed at the results!

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is basically the beginning of any disease. Auto-immune issues, heart disease, and even cancer have all been linked to prolonged inflammation over time. The good news is that collagen helps to reduce inflammation within the body. Plus, there’s a super-easy way to get some collagen into your diet every day. Bone broth is great, but if you don’t have the time (or the inclination) to simmer a cauldron of stinky broth for 24 hours, taking powdered collagen is a close second.

Add It To Your Daily Routine

That’s how I’ve been able to keep up with taking it for so many years. I simply add a scoop to my morning cup of tea (or coffee.) It’s particularly beneficial to take it in the morning because the protein boost which helps to keep hormones balanced throughout the day. If you’re feeling really adventurous, because it is, for the most part, odorless and flavorless, you can even add it to soups, casseroles, and even baked goods.

Well, I hope this was helpful. If you’re not on the collagen bandwagon yet, I hope you’ll give it a try. If it’s any consolation, even my Mom, who is the queen of donuts, sweets and all things gluten has become a collagen convert. And trust me, if she can get that into it, so can you!

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