how to get rid of period cramps

September 1, 2018

How To Get Rid of Period Cramps: 5 Secret Weapons


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If you’ve tried all the period pain tips you can handle and nothing seems to work, then this, my friend, is for you! Today I’m sharing how you too can get rid of period cramps, quickly and easily!

If you’ve ever struggled with menstrual cramps, chances are, you’d give anything to get rid of them. And if you’re like me, you may even be willing to try something as extreme as pot suppositories to get rid of them (true story, y’all.) But, we will get into that shortly.


If you haven’t been invited to the CBD party yet, consider this your invitation. I was super late to the game, but I have to tell you, it’s time to get involved, baby. You heard it here first (probably not, but that’s ok.) I’ll tell you anyway. GET ON BOARD WITH CBD OIL.

If you haven’t tried CBD oil for your period cramps yet, I gotta tell ya, you’re missing out. At one point, I was so desperate to get rid of my own period cramps that I even tried THC suppositories ( I live in Colorado, after all.) But, disappointingly, it was a total bust. My friends thought that this whole debacle was hysterical, but I didn’t care. I was willing to try anything. DESPERATE TIMES, people. Desperate times.

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

Anyway, given my past experiences, I was SO skeptical that CBD oil would even work. I was like, “yeah, whatever. I’ll keep my Advil on standby. I’ve heard this before (eye roll.)” I didn’t notice one single bit of difference with the pot suppositories, but I have to say, I DID with the CBD oil.

Perfectly Legal

The best part is that no matter where you live, you can get CBD oil. There is no THC in CBD oil and therefore, it’s perfectly legal in all 50 states. You can have it shipped to you super easily just by ordering it online. Because this is one of the most popular questions I get asked, here is a link to my favorite CBD oil right now.


Next up, ginger. That’s right. Just like the stuff in your favorite Chinese takeout. I know it sounds crazy, but it seriously works, you guys.

I love to take it in the form of these chewy ginger candies, just because fresh ginger tastes way to intense for me (and these are so easy to pop into your handbag for emergencies) but any type of ginger will work! Bonus: they’re great to keep stashed in your bag for any upset stomach issues too. I never travel without them!

Castor Oil

If you suffer from horrible period cramps and have never tried castor oil, you, my dear, are MISSING OUT. This revelation was truly a life changer for me and the reason that I always have this Moon Cycle Cramp Relief Oil on hand. If you’ve never done a castor oil pack, YOU MUST try it.

Whether you do a castor oil pack a few times a week, or just when you experience pain, I guarantee that you will notice a difference. Be sure to do your research, though, as it’s important to understand the proper way to do a castor oil pack. The oil itself can be messy to work with and can cause staining. But, trust me, once you get the hang of it, it will be so worth it!

Vaginal Steaming

Stick with me here, I know this is a weird one. You may have seen Chrissy Teigen or Gwenyth Paltrow touting the benefits of vaginal steaming on Instagram lately. “Yoni steaming” as it’s known in many circles, is an ancient practice that’s been known to regulate irregular cycles, decrease menstrual cramps, and even help to improve fertility.

If you can overlook the shock factor of willingly steaming your own vagina, this is definitely one trend that I would definitely encourage you to get behind. I also have to say, it’s surprisingly relaxing. If you’re curious, you can read more about the benefits of yoni steaming in this article.


Magnesium is a powerhouse when it comes to relaxing sore muscles. That includes the ability to relax uterine muscles and calm any inflammation that may be contributing to period cramps.

I take magnesium every night, but I double up on it leading up to that time in my cycle and I do notice a huge difference. This is the brand of magnesium that I swear by and take every single night!

You do need to make sure that you consume enough calcium if you take this every day because you can become deficient more easily. They do make a formula with calcium as well if you don’t already get enough calcium! I honestly don’t like the way this one tastes as much, so I alternate between the two, even though I do need the extra calcium. It’s the compromise that works for me.

Taking an Epsom salt bath is another go-to method because your skin can absorb the magnesium transdermally, right through your skin! Plus, it’s super relaxing


Ok, this is technically my sixth secret weapon, but I couldn’t leave it off the list. I don’t know why this works, but just trust me when I tell you, it does. There is some mumbo jumbo in Chinese medicine about tonifying the liver in order to regular menstrual cramps (my sister is an acupuncturist, don’t ask me what she means by it all. )

I do know that kombucha is good for the liver, so maybe that’s why it works? I don’t know. I’m not a doctor. Or an acupuncturist. But, I have had horrible period cramps for just about two decades now, and I’m telling you, this stuff definitely helps to get rid of period cramps!

Share Your Own Secret Weapon

Well, I hope that my personal arsenal of “secret weapons” helps you on your own journey. Do you have some tips on how to get rid of period cramps that I don’t know about? Feel free to share them with me! I’m obsessed with this stuff, and I would love to know about anything that might help so I can share it with our community!

One More Dose Of CBD Benefits

If you liked this article, you might also like to read more about one of my very favorite things in the world, CBD oil. It helps my life in so many ways in addition to knocking out period cramps and I know you will love it too. Read about 6 more benefits of CBD oil here!

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